Undutchables HR Event: Creating Passionate Professionals

Undutchables invites you and your colleagues to join us at our annual HR event on Thursday the 16th of June. After 2 years we are back with the latest edition of our annual HR Event. This time the theme is passion. How can you create passionate professionals in your organisation? An afternoon filled with interesting speakers who are passionate about their work. Come and join us. We look forward to meet you all again in person.

Our keynote speakers:

We are proud to announce our keynote speakers: Arno Folkerts and Paul Smit, who will open and close this event. With their interactive and humorous presentations about human behavior and the brain, they will walk us through the neuroscience of how our brain works and how we can use that to find our passion. How can you create passionate professionals and bind them to your organisation in times of a scarce candidate market? With a lot of humor and concrete examples, they give answers to these questions.

Our workshops:

After the keynote presentation 3 workshops will be provided to give you even more in-depth information on this interesting subject.

  1. From Passion to ‘GRIT’ - Gyuri Vergouw - Writer & management consultant

  2. A crash course in employer branding - Ernst Schipper - Owner Dandelion Strategy

  3. Generations@work - Kim Jansen owner & trainer @ The Young Workforce



13.30 – 14.00 Entrance

14.00 – 14.05 Introduction by Undutchables

14.05 – 14.35 Keynote speaker - Arno Folkerts

14.35 – 14.45 Short break with drinks and snacks

14.45 – 15.45 Workshops

16.00 – 16.30 Keynote speaker - Paul Smit

16.30 - 17.00 Closing & networking drinks