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Terugblik op de jaaropening van het Recruitment Leaders Network

The exclusive annual opening of the Recruitment Leaders Network took place on Wednesday, January 31. The members met in the Michelin-starred restaurant VISTA in Willemstad, Zeeland. How did that go?

Terugblik op de jaaropening van het Recruitment Leaders Network

A pleasant and inspiring afternoon, that is how the afternoon that the Recruitment Leaders Network (RLN) experienced in Zeeland last Wednesday could be described . Cooble founder Jan Karel Sindorff fulfilled the role of chairman and took the group through the culinary experience. Bryan Peereboom, Head of Recruitment Benelux at Wortell ( photo ), told the members about his maturity model surrounding the application of AI within Talent Acquisition.

The Recruitment Leaders Network (RLN) is an exclusive network for corporate recruitment managers and leaders in the Netherlands. This closed network offers recruitment decision-makers the opportunity to regularly meet colleagues, share knowledge, connect, inspire and network.

Save the Date: Total Talent Summit on March 21

The next event is already planned – the Total Talent Summit on March 21. Would you also like to be here as a Recruitment Leader? Send a message to Karin Moen .

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